Hart-to-HartHumans, Ser.1-2Humans, Ser.1-1EnamoredCompassionIMG_7572Troubled dream of the EarthDance in CrowdThe Old Man of the Prodigal SonSpring LongingFallen TreesEvening of LifeNoonChopped Tree Under SnowDanceFigure 2Figure 5Figure 4Figure 3Figure 1Figure 6Figure 7


Artists use their creative ability to give a greater awareness and understanding of life and the many nuances that it has: artists improve other’s people life and their own. As a pure child without prejudices, an artist creates his/her first representations of reality, trying to interpret the world forms, in the same way, the artist experiments with different means of expression, new aesthetic and formal definitions regardless of any realistic convention: the aim of both is not to reproduce the reality but to convey the emotion felt during the observation of reality.

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